
Showing posts from June, 2015

Everyone You Meet is a Reflection of Yourself.

Happy people live in a happy world, sad people live in a sad world.  I believe everyone you meet is a reflection of yourself.   We make choices every moment.  Our consciousness creates a thought and sends brain signals to our mouth and body and we make a choice.  We choose what to think, what to say, and how to move our bodies through time. I remember first moving to my apartment in Boulder, Colorado.  I was so excited to be in a new place.  I had earned two jobs within a week of moving there, and after leaving a depression and dead ends in Portland, I was so excited for this fresh start. There were these two women who worked the front desk of our apartment complex and I saw them regularly whether getting quarters for laundry or asking questions about rent.  I made jewelry in my apartment and one of the ladies asked if I could make some earrings out of shark teeth she got in Hawaii.  She offered me three extra teeth to keep for mys...