Wallace Stoll Johnson - A Birth Story
Growing and giving birth to a human being is like being transported into another dimension. It is the most magical, mysterious, and spiritual transition I have ever known. I never wrote about my labor and delivery with Amalee, because while I am so grateful to have given birth to her, I was also so sad and disappointed I was induced (forced) into labor. At 42 weeks pregnant I felt my body was trapping my child and they say the risks go up if you go past. I still feel mixed about all the medical interventions with her birth and whether or not I should have been induced, but that would be a whole other blog post. I woke up on Friday morning, October 9th, 11 days past my estimated due date, at around 8:30am, to what felt like menstrual cramping. I figured I was having another round of Braxton hix. My sweet mom friend was hosting a play date for our two year olds at her newer preschool location and I wanted Amalee to play with her frien...